COP 2024

In Every Season

Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.


With God’s help, we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that this child, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to eternal life.


Thank you for volunteering your time as a Work Leader for COP.  Ultimately, we are first and foremost concerned with the well-being and safety of our students. This is why these Work Leader guidelines are in place. Volunteers and staff should set a good example with regard to conduct, language, appropriate dress, etc. As leaders we need to be intentional about the examples we are setting for our students.  Please refrain from the following:

  1. Conversations about inappropriate materials. (Books, movies, gossip, etc.)  The students are watching you.  Think about your words and actions.
  2. Do not undermine the authority of those who have established the guidelines. Do not side with students. If you disagree with established guidelines, please keep it to yourself until a more appropriate time.


The following is advice that will help with all chaperoning situations:

  • Teenagers don’t always think clearly and responsibly. Help them.
  • Don’t ignore inappropriate behavior. (Beware of couples)
  • Try not to compound a situation by overreacting.
  • Respect students and their privacy, but enforce all rules.
  • If you are unsure of how to handle a situation, ask leadership.


  1. Work Leaders are expected to arrive by 7:30 a.m. Someone from COP Leadership will give you your Team assignment and other appropriate instructions. You are responsible for the safety and well being of our students at all times. Your responsibility as Work Leader extends to the Host home as well.
  2. Students are not permitted to leave the Team Activities without prior permission of Student Minister or COP Leadership. Students are not permitted to drive at any time during COP. (Not even college students.)
  3. Students are required to wear seatbelts during transportation to and from work sites, Host Homes and Creekside.
  4. Students are not permitted to ride in trailers or in the back end of pickup trucks at any time.
  5. Students must wear safety glasses when using weed eaters and other power tools.
  6. Adult chaperones will not participate in, endorse or otherwise support unnecessary risky behavior in an effort to “get the job done”.  Student safety is more important than finishing a job.  Never ask your students to complete a job that is outside the reasonable experience and ability of the team.
  7. If an injury occurs at the worksite, the Work Leader should assess the requirement for treatment. Minor scratches can be treated on site. Any other injuries must be reported to the on-call nurse and she will assess the need to seek additional medical attention.  All Medical issues are to be documented on the medical form and reported to Student Minister or COP Leadership at the end of the workday.
  8. Students are not permitted to be left unattended at the pool or be left at the Host Home without adequate adult supervision. Adequate adult supervision is defined as 2 adults at the Host home. If for some reason one work leader needs to leave the host home, please ensure appropriate adult supervision is in place.
  9. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior is not permitted by any student.  Adult Volunteers should make a first attempt to diffuse and resolve the situation privately, quietly and in a manner appropriate to the specific situation. If unsuccessful, Student Minister, COP Leadership or a member of Creekside staff should be contacted immediately, and the matter turned over to them for resolution. 


We appreciate our volunteers!  After reviewing the guidelines, if you have any further questions, please ask the Student Minister or COP Leadership.


I have read and understand the responsibilities for the role in which I am volunteering, and I agree to honor, respect and abide all of the guidelines established.



Creekside COP - Participant / Volunteer Testimonial
"My favorite part of COP is the worship. It always has a big impact on me and my friends. I get to worship and grow closer and closer to Christ. It always leaves me wanting more and never wanting the week to come to an end."